San Diego Domestic Violence Restraining Order

In San Diego County, a Domestic Violence Restraining Order can be obtained if you have a close relationship with the person you are trying to get a Domestic Violence Restraining Order against. This relationship may include married or registered domestic partners, divorced, separated, dating or used to date, have a child together, or live together or used to live together but as more than just roommates, or you are closely related including parent, child, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather in-law etc.

Call (619) 500-1289 or Contact San Diego Restraining Order Attorney Timothy Riley and he can advise you and help you through all aspects of a San Diego Domestic Violence Restraining Order.

What Qualifies as Domestic Abuse?

A close relationship can include a spouse, a significant other, or another family member and “Domestic Abuse” refers to a wide range of behaviors and actions. Domestic abuse can take many forms including physical, written, and verbal. California Law states that Domestic Abuse includes:

  • Physical Abuse (hitting, kicking, pushing, hair pulling, etc.)
  • Sexual Assault
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Purposefully Scaring (throwing things, yelling, etc.)
  • Following/Stalking
  • Coercive Control (isolating, depriving of necessities, controlling or monitoring movements, forcing to engage in conduct, etc.)
  • Reproductive Coercion
  • Abduction
  • Harassing
  • Threats to do any of the above

Who Qualifies for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order?

The following relationships are considered domestic relationship for the purposes of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders:

  • Family Member (included adopted family members)
  • Spouse (or registered domestic partner)
  • Significant other (current or former, with whom you have/had a dating relationship)
  • your child’s other parent
  • Current In-Laws
  • Someone you live, or lived, with in a capacity more than roommates

Call (619) 500-1289 or Contact San Diego Restraining Order Attorney Timothy Riley and he can advise you and help you through all aspects of a San Diego Domestic Violence Restraining Order.