Santee TRO Attorney

Santee TRO Attorney Timothy Riley can help you obtain a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) also known as a Restraining Order. Attorney santee TRO attorneyRiley can advise you on the most appropriate type of TRO you would need and handle all related matters in representing or assisting you. Attorney Riley has decades of experience as a San Diego lawyer and has been specializing in Santee TROs for many years.

If you find yourself in a situation where you find it necessary to seek a TRO, attorney Riley understands the difficult circumstances you are in. He realizes that no one wants to be in these situations and the last thing you want to do is make a legal mistake that may cause a judge to deny your request for a TRO. Additionally, even after a judge grants your request for a TRO, there are strict requirements to serve the subject of the TRO or your TRO may not be valid or enforceable. San Diego County has many court locations and Attorney Riley can advise you on the proper location and procedure for you and your situation. Call(619) 500-1289 now to talk to Santee TRO Attorney Timothy Riley for a FREE half hour consultation.